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Este conteúdo é exclusivo para membros ABCM

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Torne-se um membros ABCM

Veja algumas vantagens em se manter como nosso Associado:

Acesso regular ao JBSMSE
Boletim de notícias ABCM
Acesso livre aos Anais de Eventos
Possibilidade de concorrer às Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da ABCM.
Descontos nos eventos promovidos pela ABCM e pelas entidades com as quais mmantém acordo de cooperação.
Estudantes de gradução serão isentos no primeiro ano de afiliação.
10% de desconto para o Associado que pagar anuidade anntes de completar os 12 meses da última anuidade paga.
Desconto na compra dos livros da ABCM, entre eles: "Engenharia de Dutos" e "Escoamento Multifásico".

Tem uma conta?

Comitês Técnicos

Comitê de Fenômenos Não Lineares e Caóticos


The ABCM Committee of Nonlinear and Chaotic Phenomena is a technical committee of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM), founded in 1993 when the First International Conferences on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences was organized in Rio Claro - SP, Brazil.
The objective of the Committee is to be engaged in all activities intended to promote in Brazil, as a branch of science and engineering, the development of nonlinear mechanics.
Nonlinear systems are wonderfully broad subjects with important applications in fields ranging from several engineering branches, physics, computer science, life sciences, sociology, and finance.
An engineering student interested in dynamical systems, a physiologist studying the heart, and a computer scientist analyzing the internet are all studying nonlinear phenomena. Yet, they are unlikely to cross paths in traditional undergraduate or graduate programs. So, the Committee aims to bring together researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students, and share in a multidisciplinary environment their expertise in nonlinear systems. The committee encourages the development of research that combines theory, computation, and empirical data.
So, the committee congregates researchers and students interested in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, nonlinear vibrations and control, stability and bifurcation, chaos control, synchronization, fractals, pattern formation, and applications of nonlinear mechanics in all branches of science and engineering. In particular, the Committee will pursue this objective through:
1. The organization of national and international meetings on subjects within the entire field of Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences;
2. The establishment of links between persons and organizations engaged in scientific work in mechanics and in related sciences;
3. The gathering and dissemination of information on all matters related to Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences;
4. The organization of courses on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control, and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences for undergraduate and graduate students throughout Brazil.